Israel Travel Guide » Ammunition Hill
Ammunition Hill was a fortified Jordanian military post located in the northern part of the area occupied by Jordan in Jerusalem. It was where one of the fiercest battle, the war of 6 days took place.
In 1975, the memorial and museum were opened on the hill, preserving part of the old post; with the opening of a museum in the bunker. Furthermore, on one of the hills 182 olive trees were planted, in commemoration of the 182 Israeli soldiers who died during the war of the 6 days. In 1987, the site was declared a national monument. The main ceremony of Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) is celebrated here.
An estimated 200,000 visitors tour the site each year, including 80,000 soldiers. Ammunition Hill is the main induction center for IDF paratroopers.
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