Info: Pool of Bethesda

The pool of Bethesda is the name of a pool in Jerusalem, that you will find in Beth Zeta Valley. It is associated with healing. The pool was excavated during the 8th century AC. The pool is mentioned in the Book of Kings II, chapter 18 verse 17 (also repeated in the Book of Isaiah, chapter 36, verse 2).

Before the excavations, it was identified with the modern Fountain of the Virgin in the Kidron Valley, not far from the Pool of Siloam and part of Birket Israel, near the mouth of the valley basin extending in the south Kidron, Lions Gate.

In excavations in the 19th century, Schick discovered a large deposit located about 100 meters northwest of the Church of Santa Ana, which is claimed was the pool of Bethesda. But most archaeologists identified with the two pools called underground, under the convent of the Sisters of Sion.

John 5:1 – A Man Healed at the Pool of Bethesda
After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

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